18-09-24 06:30:00 ⇒ To the home page of Weather Station BIMS
Outside Temperature | 13,1°C |
Heat Index | 13,3°C |
Wind Chill | 13,1°C |
Dew Point | 12,2°C |
Outside Humidity | 94% |
Barometer | 1030,5 mbar (-0,6) |
Wind | 0 km/h N/A ( N/A) |
Rain Today | 0,00 cm |
Rain Rate | 0,00 cm/h |
UV Index | 0,0 |
Radiation | 0 W/m² |
Inside Temperature | 20,8°C |
Inside Humidity | 65% |
pm1_0 | N/A |
pm2_5 | N/A |
pm10_0 | N/A |
Today |
Week |
Month |
Year |
Rain Year |
Outside Temperature |
14,6 13,1 |
19,8 8,8 |
28,9 7,6 |
31,2 -6,4 |
31,2 -6,4 |
°C |
Heat Index |
14,6 13,3 |
20,2 9,1 |
32,1 7,6 |
35,2 -6,4 |
35,2 -6,4 |
°C |
Wind Chill |
14,6 13,1 |
19,8 8,8 |
28,9 7,6 |
31,2 -7,7 |
31,2 -7,7 |
°C |
Dew Point |
13,1 12,1 |
15,7 8,0 |
22,1 6,5 |
23,9 -9,3 |
23,9 -9,3 |
°C |
Outside Humidity |
94 90 |
97 69 |
98 59 |
98 38 |
98 38 |
% |
Barometer |
1031,7 1030,3 |
1032,1 1024,9 |
1032,5 1002,3 |
1037,4 973,8 |
1037,4 973,8 |
mbar |
Max Wind |
0 N/A |
19 56 |
29 74 |
50 299 |
50 299 |
km/h ° |
Average Wind | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | km/h |
RMS Wind | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | km/h |
Vector Average Vector Direction |
0 N/A |
0 321 |
1 44 |
1 353 |
1 353 |
km/h ° |
Rain | 0,00 | 0,00 | 3,92 | 65,06 | 65,06 | cm |
Rain Rate | 0,00 | 0,00 | 7,34 | 42,66 | 42,66 | cm/h |
Evapotranspiration | 0,00 | 0,21 | 1,73 | 35,10 | 35,10 | cm |
UV Index | 0,0 | 2,2 | 3,1 | 5,4 | 5,4 | |
Radiation |
0 0 |
540 0 |
745 0 |
1058 0 |
1058 0 |
W/m² |
Inside Temperature |
21,6 20,7 |
22,8 19,8 |
28,2 19,8 |
42,9 16,7 |
42,9 16,7 |
°C |
Inside Humidity |
66 65 |
68 57 |
69 51 |
69 21 |
69 21 |
% |
pm1_0 |
N/A N/A |
24 2 |
150 0 |
3622 0 |
3622 0 |
µg/m³ |
pm2_5 |
N/A N/A |
20 3 |
241 0 |
6825 0 |
6825 0 |
µg/m³ |
pm10_0 |
N/A N/A |
48 3 |
447 0 |
3622 0 |
3622 0 |
µg/m³ |
Connectivity | |
Signal Quality | 100% |
Signal Strength | -65,0 dBm |
Power Status | |
Supercapacitor | N/A |
Solar Cell | N/A |
Transmitter Battery | N/A |
Transmitter Battery Status | OK |
Console Battery | 6096 mV |
Data Transmission | |
Good Packets Streak | 4403 |
Error Packets | 0 |
Re-synchronizations | 0 |
Data Received | 3707660606 B |
Data Transmitted | 3291695737 B |
Data Information | |
Uptime | 53715472 seconds |
Link Uptime | 53715419 seconds |
Firmware Version | 1636079858 |
Bootloader Version | 1550707628 |
Davis Health Version | 1 |
Radio Version | 621020416 |
Hardware | |
Latitude | 52° 23.96' N |
Longitude | 005° 17.04' E |
Altitude | -3 meters |
Server uptime | 158 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes |
WeeWX uptime | 158 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes |
WeeWX version | 4.10.2 |
Skin | Seasons 4.8.0 |
This station is controlled by WeeWX, an experimental weather software system written in Python.